TIPS TO SCORE 7+ Bands in listening exam:
The listening section of IELTS is one of the most score gaining portion, compared to the other
The chances of scoring maximum of is listening can change the entire score-card. Here’s some
basic tips to excel.
The best listeners are engaged with whatever they are listening to. This could be a lecture at
school or a conversation with a friend.
In the IELTS Listening test, you only listen to the audio once, so you have to be an attentive listener all
the way through. One way to practice this is to listen to audios or watch videos and make good notes.
For example, BBC English news, TEDX talks, to get accustomed to the accent spoken by the native
English folks. Once you are well versed with the pronunciation, it will be very easy for us to understand
the textual audio and solve the question.
When you are preparing for the Speaking test, it’s really important to improve your fluency.
Here’s an idea that might help.
The speaking section compromise of 3 parts:
Part1 a: is all about introducing yourself for instance: your name, residence address, family,
qualification, job experience and hobbies.
Part 1b: consists of short questions like, flowers, favourite food, colour, birds, hobbies, transportation
etc. These questions are short questions and are one to one format.
Part 2: in this section a que card is given, with some topics and sub-questions, the candidate is allotted 1
minute of time to prepare the notes regarding the topic and 2 minutes to speak. One must assure to
speak for 2 minutes at-least, less than 1 minute might lead to deduction of score.
Part 3: here the questions are the follow up of the que card question and in one to one pattern.
The best tip to get a remarkable fluency is to practice these topics every day in front of the mirror, to
boost your self-confidence and to have a check on your expressions which is also a judging factor for
scoring good. Also, to make you speech look more appealing, it is always advisable to use some good
vocabulary and avoid repeating of words.
by Jacklin M Anthony @ Language bus